by Peter Eckhart M.D. A Special Invitation
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                        Us Endo 101

Get rid of the root cause.
What to avoid.
What to take.

You have a sign and symptom of endometriosis of monthly abdominal menstrual pain that's very debilitating.

Your husband is unhappy with his sex life. Another endometriosis sign and symptom.

Menstrual Pain? Endometriosis symptom personified.

Your doctor wants to give you a hysterectomy for endometriosis treatment or put you on Lupron for endometriosis treatment. Some women think that Lupron is worse than the endometriosis symptoms!


Natural Endometriosis Help! is about living menstrual pain free.

Normal happy periods.

Avoid Chemical Estrogens (xenoestrogens). Take Natural Progesterone!

Natural Progesterone counteracts the Chemical Estrogens.

See our NEW website on curing Endometriosis

An entire generation of patients
are already enjoying a normal pain free life,
normal sex life. Thirty years ago,
John Lee, MD, a family practice physician in Sevastopol, California, graduate of Harvard University and University of Minnesota Medical School
started using Natural Progesterone for endometriosis treatment SUCCESSFULLY. Endometriosis signs and symptoms Helped! Menstrual pain bettered!

Natural Progesterone

And a list of estrogenic chemicals to avoid.


If you are not one of them,
continue down this page instead.

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"The change

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In a hurry?

Click here for the 5 Minute Tour.

Tired of Monthly Pain?
Now, Painless Periods!

Painless HAPPY sex! Happy Husbands! A Spring in Your Step During Your Period?

No time off from Work. Don't miss Work. Your life is back to Normal.

How about thick healthy hair?

How about a thin trim waist line without all the working out?

How about having a normal body temperature of 98.6?

Would you like to do Aerobics on your days when you have a period?

Why not?

Don't be limited! BE FREE! Be Free to be yourself!

Do what you want to do! Get out of prison!

Go where you want to go. When you want to!

Forget you have a menstrual period. We believe that our method is BETTER than Pilates or acupuncture or diets.

Live life to the fullest without restriction. Or... Have a hysterectomy or laparoscopy?



  • Prior to 1921, there were only 20 reports of endometriosis in the entire world wide medical literature. Why is that?
  • Now, endometriosis affects 1 out of 20 women in America. Why is that?
  • This factoid suggests that endometriosis is caused by something in the modern environment.

Endometriosis Genetic? NOT! Endometriosis Fixable?


WATCH This Video from Suzzanne Snedeker, PhD from Cornell University. Everyday Cosmetics and Household Products contain chemicals that are Environmental Estrogens.

READ THIS about the Environmental Estrogens and Breast Cancer from the BREAST CANCER FUND. Research that shows Environmental Estrogens linked to Breast Cancer.

According to some double blind scientific studies a total abdominal hysterectomy, that includes taking out the uterus and taking out both ovaries
only has a 50% success rate. Why? Chemical estrogens in your house,
act like Estrogen and are stimulating your endometriosis to grow.

When you use the battle-proven strategies eliminating xenoestrogens in your house, you may find success with endometriosis. Then you will enjoy your life

I don't know if you have seen the girls in middle school recently. Many of them look quite sexually mature. Time Magazine on the cover story of Oct. 30, 2000 quoted the Herman-Giddens study in 1997. The study showed 15% of the girls aged 8 are sprouting breast buds and pubic hair! Time Magazine blamed the early puberty on chemical estrogens (xensoestrogens).

What does this have to do with you and your endometriosis?

Many researchers now believe that the same chemicals causing early puberty are causing your endometriosis symptoms with menstrual pain. We will show you how to eliminate the chemicals that are killing your life.  

If you haven't dealt with endometriosis treatment and menstrual pain, terrific! No errors to correct. We will show you a rational way to help endometriosis menstrual pain and its associated symptoms that truly helps.

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" I only wish more women knew about this information... . "
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It's All Under Your Control

Dealing with endometriosis symptoms and menstrual pain is far simpler than you might be led to believe. To succeed with endometriosis menstrual pain, you only have to make good on two STEPS, each one directly under your control...

  • STEP 1 -- Avoid Xenoestrogens -- get rid of the junk in your life.
  • STEP 2 -- Take topical Natural Progesterone.

If you master "The Big 2," dealing with endometriosis must succeed. Why?... Because these are BIG variables.

Here is a real patient testimonial of curing endometriosis.

Here are two simple examples of everyday people who mastered the Big 2 by avoiding xenoestrogens and taking topical Natural Progesterone...

"I've had NO pain at all.
A Zero!!"

Melanie M., New Jersey

Just for your endometriosis data collection: my first menses after started progestelle (used only about 30 mg/day from day 15-28) my pain was reduced from a 7 to a 4. The second menses (using it all month at 60 mg/day) pain reduced to about a 2. This third menses (80 mg/day) I've had NO pain at all. A Zero!! (Worse Pain is a pain of 10)


-- Melanie M., New Jersey

"All my Endo symptoms are completely gone..."

"It's wonderful to have pain-free cycles :)"

Cynthia S., Chanhassen, Minnesota

You are more than welcome to use my testimony! I had a lap last June and had a large Endometrioma cyst (tennis ball size) on my left ovary drained. The surgeon said I was covered with endo everywhere and said I was already in the Third Stage of Endometriosis. He just shook his head, he felt my only options were a hysterectomy or to go on Lupron. I was only 25 and haven't been married or had children yet so that was out of the question! I never went back and saw him again! I immediately got on the Progestelle and the U-O-Clear and stopped using any product with parabens and you know the rest of the story :)

I have been on Prgestelle for a year now and have been taking U-O-Clear as well and all my Endo symptons are completely gone, I don't even get menstrual cramps anymore! It's like I don't even have Endometriosis :) It's amazing how much everything changed for me in less than a year! It's wonderful to have pain-free cycles :)

Thanks So Much,

-- Cynthia S., Chanhassen, Minnesota

Yes, if you avoid xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens) and take Natural Progesterone you will succeed. Of course, the "catch" is that you must succeed at avoiding xenoestrogens, the cause of endometriosis!

Master the Big 2

Originally, we intended to market two completely separate resources, one for each critical STEP. But it was simply too important that you get both 2 STEPS right. It's just too messy to take one idea from here... and a bit from there.

To truly succeed, you need a comprehensive, cohesive approach that works. So...

We include a list of chemicals to avoid for all our first time customers in all that we ship.
There was simply no ethical alternative -- think of it this way...

Mastery of any single STEP would be useless without the other piece of the puzzle. For example... Use Natural Progesterone alone? 30% of the patients actually felt worse. Why?

Without elimination of chemical estrogens in your life,
endometriosis is still being stimulated to grow.

Chronic high estrogen exposure causes you to be desensitized to estrogen. No doubt about it...

Taking Natural Progesterone with this high intake of estrogen causes a resensitization of the estrogen receptors back to normal. ...

Then, it looks like you are getting more estrogen when you're really not. So... 30% of endometriosis patients get worse when taking Natural Progesterone because they didin't get rid of the chemical estrogens in their house.

Both pieces fit together perfectly! You must excel at getting rid of the chemical estrogens in your house and then take Natural Progesterone to oppose the xenoestrogens.

How to Absolutely Nail the Big 2

First, Avoid Xenoestrogens...

We include a list of chemicals to avoid. Get rid of the cause of endometriosis. The list was tailor made to be Easy. EASY STEPS... CHEAPER STEPS. If you are smart, it will be cheaper to be healthier.

 Laundry Detergent - This was a surprise!
Baby male trout raised in a tank grew up looking like females when small amounts of laundry detergent were added to the water. 42% of the male bass in the Potomac River are producing eggs. Patients tell me that the wrong kind of laundry detergent makes them bloat more. Bloating just before the period is typical of estrogen dominance and present with women with endometriosis and menstrual pain. We tell you the right laundry detergent to use!

Lotions and Shampoos have Parbens in them as a preservative. Parabens were found to be estrogenic. Even if you do not take Natural Progesterone at all, and cut out all parabens from your liquidy stuff you use on your skin, you will improve in 2 months. Cut out all parabens, and you will improve in 2 months!

"Here... Here is exactly what to cut out in your life in an EASY TO USE LIST."

This surprised us! One patient binged on pomagranate juice and pomagranates when her local Health Food store had a special sale. She claimed her endometriosis flared for two weeks! Her friends laughed at her. We didn't. Pomegranates were used in ancient times to create miscarriages. Another patient claimed her breasts started hurting when she used an expensive "healthy" shampoo containing pomegranates.

 And Others! - All on our list.
If you do not know who your enemy is, you will be hosed. So we identify your enemies.

"That's great, only 2 STEPS to master," you say.
"But exactly how do I succeed at them??? We give you an EASY TO FOLLOW LIST."

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How to Absolutely Nail the Big 2

Second, Take Natural Progesterone...

Of The Big 2 Natural Progesterone is the most controllable. BUT some Natural Progesterone creams CONTAIN parabens. When we first started giving Natural Progesterone creams to our endomtriosis patients in 1999, our patient's endometriosis signs and symptoms GOT WORSE! WHY? These Natural Progesterone creams had parabens. Unhappy doctor. Unhappier patients!

  • If your Natural Progesterone Cream has parabens, drop it and get a new one... a great one.

  • Get a Natural Progesterone Cream or Oil without parabens.

Whatever you do, don't try to get away with using a Natural Progesterone Cream with parabens. You'll just get worse. Is there anything else that makes endometriosis worse in Natural Progesterone Creams? Yes! You Bet. What are they? Some we know. Some we don't.

The best thing to do is SIMPLIFY!

It takes me 3 days to research one chemical out of 20 on the list of ingredients on a typical shampoo. At the end of 3 days, I find that there are NO Hormone disruption studies at all of this one ingredient. The bottom line is no one knows. The best thing to do is to simplify.

1) No Parabens in the Natural Progesterone Cream!
If you want to get worse use a Natural Progesterone Cream with Parabens.

  • Don't Relearn what we learned back in 1999.
  • Parabens in your topical lotions, shampoos make you worse.
  • Parabens in your Natural Progesterone Cream make you worse.

2) Simplify
Guess What? I just found out that Lemongrass was hormone disruptive. Did I mention Rosemary was estrogenic? My patients told me I was right. When they cut out all their products with topical rosemary, their bloating finally stopped (after cutting out everything else).

And... what else? We think we listed lots of stuff. But what about Quaternary ammonium chlorides? Fairly toxic. Used as a preservative. How can it possibly be good for you?

Back in 1996, the EPA was given a mandate by Congress to test chemicals for estrogenic activity and/or hormone disruption. The EPA is five years behind. Why? We don't know how to do it. The bottom line is no one knows.

Your Doctor says: "Get Pregnant! Pregnancy will get rid of the endometriosis." Getting pregnant is the favorite endometriosis treatment of mainstream physicians.

Well, Natural Progesterone is the HORMONE OF PREGNANCY. Why not simulate pregnancy instead? Is this a new thought? NO. Many doctors have given Natural Progesterone for endometriosis treatment before. Natural progesterone for is just forgotten because big pharmaceutical companies don't MARKET it. No money for them, you see.

"Pro" means for. "Gesterone" means gestation. So "Progesterone" means for gestation. So, NATURAL PROGESTERONE is the HORMONE OF PREGNANCY. In fact, during the third trimester of pregnancy, your body produces 400 mg of Natural Progesterone per day. So instead of getting pregnant for endometriosis treatment, fake out the body and make it think it is pregnant.

Don't have time to get pregnant to stop the endometriosis? Just fake out the body, and make it think it is pregnant by taking Natural Progesterone.

So why does pregnancy work for endometriosis? Well, Natural Progesterone tells the endometriosis cells to stop mutiplying and grow up (differentiate is the medical term). Estradiol and the xenoestrogens tell the endometriosis cells to multiply and reproduce. That's how it works.

So here are the highlights of why it works:

1) "Pregnancy stops endometriosis," says your doctor. He is using pregnancy as an endometriosis treatment.

2) Natural Progesterone is the hormone of Pregnancy.

3) Fool your body into thinking it is pregnant by taking Natural Progesesterone.

4) Many doctors have used Natural Progesterone for endometriosis treatment in the past, but now have amnesia induced by big pharmaceutical companies.

Don't be confused. Think better.

Imitate pregnancy to help endometriosis and take Natural Progesterone!

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Another Point

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"My long blonde hair stopped falling out in big globs in the shower. ..."
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OK, So you've mastered the BIG 2 and your endometriosis is improving.

You ask, "How come other people are doing OK (no menstrual pain and no endometriosis symptoms and signs), and yet doing all the bad stuff?" Yes, we asked the same question.

Endometriosis patients tend to have an difficulty getting rid of xenoestrogens out of their body.

Most but not all endometriosis patients tend to be sensitive to small amounts of drugs. Coffee keeps them up all night. This means they cannot get rid of the drug. They have impaired excretion!

Most but not all endometriosis patients tend to have a hypersensitivity to smell. Theron Randolf, MD says that this is the key symptom of chemical injury. This means they cannot get rid of chemicals.

Most but not all endometriosis patients tend to have a abnormal Rhomburg test. A Rhomburg test is done by putting your feet together, close your eyes, and stand on your tip toes. An abnormal Rhomburg is when you wobble compared to a healthy teenager. This means they cannot get rid of chemicals.

Most but not all endometriosis patients tend to have multiple allergies.

 Are sensitive to small amounts of drugs.

 Hypersensitive to smell.

 Abnormal Balance by Rhomberg test.

 Multiple perhaps severe allergies.

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"It wasn't more than 2-3 weeks before I saw dramatic improvement."
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Why can't they get rid of chemicals? WHY? Through time sucking endometriosis patient interviews, and a pastor in Atlanta, GA I've found that low level constant fear/ stress/ anxiety stops endometriosis patients from getting rid of chemicals. Fear/ stress/ anxiety also increase available histamine levels making it easier for allergies to trigger.

What is low level fear/ stress/ anxiety?

If you are 1 foot away from a rattlesnake, you have an anxiety level of 10. The next day, after being away from the rattle snake, you will should have an anxiety level of 0. This is normal.

What is NOT normal is an anxiety level of 4-5 all the time.

This low level anxiety may be caused by rape, thinking you are going to marry your soul mate and then breaking up, constant fighting with your parents, thinking you want to control the world, but you can't, jumping through hoops to be loved and cared for and. . . . .

NO, endometriosis is a REAL disease. YES, the way you think affects brain chemistry. Brain chemistry affects body chemistry.

Bottom Line? Constant fear/ stress/ anxiety is bad for you. How do you get rid of fear/ stress/ anxiety?

Naturally, the pastor in Atlanta, GA has a 2 week seminar to take care of fear/ stress/ anxiety by making you stronger! NOT avoiding the situation! But by making you stronger. Go to their 2 week seminar.

In fact, fear/stress/anxiety will increase allergies and prevent your body from excreting all chemicals including xenoestrogens. See a scientific study on how fear/stress/anxiety increases allergies.

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"until finally, the nausea [ from endometriosis ] was hardly noticeable if at all."
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Synthetic Doctor Prescribed Progestins Versus
Natural Progesterone

OB/GYNS that specialize in fertility (there are only 3-4 of these in a city of 1 million) routinely use Natural Progesterone to prevent 1st trimester miscarriage. These fertility doctor specialists do NOT use brand name synthetic Progestins. Why? Brand name synthetic Progestins cause Birth Defects. Natural Progesterone does NOT cause Birth Defects. Natural Progesterone is the exactly the same bioidentical hormone that your body produces. Need we say more?


If Natural Progesterone is so wonderful, why isn't it used by my doctor ?

This is the most common favorite question I get. The answer in a nutshell is MONEY. The drug representitive that pushes drugs on doctors gets paid $60,000 - $100,000 per year. It costs $100 million to test a drug. This means that the drug company must have a monopoly to charge high prices. This means they must patent the drug. This means the pharmaceutical company must modify the natural hormone to patent it.

John Lee, MD had this to say.

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"Patients are aware that they cannot leave their health care solely in the hands of the doctor. They must assume responsibility for their own health...." Dr. John R. Lee, California, USA.
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And now for the Kicker
ADD Fibrovan and Indole-3-Carbinol

Since 2007, we began to carry Fibrovan. Fibrovan contains Nattokinase. Nattokinase is an enzyme from a bacteria that grows on the traditional food, Natto, eaten by Japanese for a thousand years. Nattokinase dissolves blood clots. Nattokinase dissolves adhesions. Nattokinase is good for Endometriosis Patients. But you have to be careful about which Nattokinase you get. Normally, Nattokinase only lasts 2-3 hours in the body. But the Nattokinase in Fibrovan last 8-12 hours in the body because it is complexed to maltodextrin. Also the Nattokinase quality varies greatly with the brand.

Endometriosis is caused by the additive action of both xenoestrogens and your own estradiol. Indole-3-Carbinol causes your own estradiol (not xenoestrogens) to be inactivated. Indole-3-carbinol lowers your estradiol levels. We have not found DIM to be as helpful. Indole-3-Carbinol is from the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. Indole-3-Carbinol is metabolized in the stomach and one of the 20 metabolites is DIM.


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